Computer Configuration Reference
The following is an evolving document to help me setup a Mac with all the tools I like to use. I hope that you find some use for it as well.
Download Manually
- 1Password
- Bartender
- BusyCal
- BusyContacts
- Byword
- Calibre
- CoderRunner
- Drafts
- Google Chrome
- HueMenu
- iTerm
- LaunchBar
- Little Snitch
- MacDown
- Marked
- MindNode
- Napkin
- Paw
- Pixelmator
- Setapp
- Sketch
- Slack
- Soulver
- Spillo
- Sublime Text
- Tower
- Tweetbot
- Ulysses
- Virtualbox
- Xcode
Mac App Store
- Airmail
Setapp Apps
- 2Do
- Bartender
- BusyCal
- CodeRunner
- ForkLift
- Marked
- Mosaic
- Paw
- TablePlus
- Ulysses
Command Line
Shell Environment
- Install Homebrew
- Setup ssh keys and add to GitHub
- Install fish shell with
brew install fish
and follow instructions in output to add as default shell - Install oh-my-fish
- Install Fisher
- Install the omf sushi theme
- Install wget with
brew install wget
- Install nvm
brew install nvm
- Fish plugins
fisher add FabioAntunes/fish-nvm
andfisher add edc/bass
- Install gulp with
npm install gulp-cli -g
andnpm install gulp -D
- Install Express Gateway with
npm install -g express-gateway
Serverless / AWS
- Install AWS CLI with
brew install awscli
and configure withaws configure
- Install Serverless with
npm install -g serverless
- Install AWS SAM with
brew tap aws/tap
andbrew install aws-sam-cli
- Install Virtualbox
- Install Vagrant
- Install Vagrant AWS Provider with
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
- Install Vagrant Hostsupdater with
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
- Install Vagrant Bindfs with
vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs
- Install Vagrant Docker Compose with
vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose
- Install Vagrant Vbguest with
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Install Vagrant Alpine with
vagrant plugin install vagrant-alpine
- Install pyenv with
brew install pyenv
- Add pyenv to fish with
fisher add fisherman/pyenv
- Install zlib with
brew install zlib
- Run
brew info zlib
and run the commands underFor compilers to find zlib you may need to set:
- Install python
pyenv install 3.7.2
and set as global versionpyenv global 3.7.2
- Install rbenv with
brew install rbenv
- Run
rbenv init
and follow the instructions - Find the latest ruby version
rbenv install -l
and install withrbenv install 2.6.2
where 2.6.2 is the latest version - Install Jekyll with
gem install bundler jekyll
- Install PHPBrew dependencies:
brew install automake autoconf curl pcre bison re2c mhash libtool icu4c gettext jpeg openssl libxml2 mcrypt gmp libevent
brew link icu4c
brew link --force openssl
brew link --force libxml2
brew install libedit gd lcov gcc bzip2 iconv
- Install PHPBrew with:
curl -L -O
chmod +x phpbrew
Move phpbrew to somewhere that can be found by your $PATH
sudo mv phpbrew /usr/local/bin/phpbrew
- Init phpbrew with
phpbrew init
and then follow the instructions - Lookup the known versions with
phpbrew known
- Install your chosen version with the following shell script:
echo "brewing $1"
phpbrew install --jobs=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) $1 \
+default \
+mysql \
+iconv=$(brew --prefix libiconv) \
+bz2=$(brew --prefix bzip2) \
+zlib=$(brew --prefix zlib)
- Call it with
sh 7.1.17
then switch to the version withphpbrew switch php-7.1.17
- Install composer with the instructions from
and move to somewhere in$PATH
withmv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
- Install PHP CS Fixer with
wget -O php-cs-fixer
thensudo chmod a+x php-cs-fixer
thensudo mv php-cs-fixer /usr/local/bin/php-cs-fixer
- Install the Java cask with
brew cask install java
- Install Maven with
brew install maven
Sublime Text Setup
Install Package Control
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
Sync the User
directory via git